
Most Recent Publications

Formic acid treatment controls Tropilaelaps and Varroa mites

Published on March 05, 2024
Study finds formic acic treatment effective against tropilaelaps and Varroa mites in honey bee colonies, highlighting new methods to combat parasitic threat.
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Unlocking Varroa mite’s secret to rapid reproduction

Published on October 03, 2022
By hijacking host proteins, mites ensure offspring development, presenting new avenues for targeted parasite management.
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Mites in relation to feeding and reproduction

Published on December 18, 2021
Learn what researchers found as they observed Varroa mites’ feeding habits and how they impacted reproductive process in honey bee parasitism.
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Foreign pests as potential treats to N. American agriculture

Published on November 2021
Mites pose threats due to their potential to disrupt ecosystems, damage crops, and destabilize local agricultural practices.
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Top Varroa Publications

Varroa mites prefer feasting on bee fat

Published on January 15, 2019
Researchers found that Varroa mites primarily feed on bees’ fat body rather than blood, highlighting need to reassess management strategies for protecting bee health.
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How Varroa mites eat honey bees

Published on August 01, 2018
A multi-microscopy approach to discover the feeding site and host tissue consumed by Varroa destructor on host honey bees.
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Varroa: A paradigm shift

Published on November 11, 2018
New research reveals Varroa mites feed on honey bee fat.
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Tropi Mite Publication

Tropilaelaps mite: an emerging threat to European honey bee

Published on April 2018
Global trade boosts honey bee parasite spread, posing farming risks.
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Honey Bees in Asia

Honey bee parasite Spread threatens apiculture

Published on November 2021
Global trade and improved transportation increase honey bee parasite spread. Focus on Asian origin parasites, like Varroa mites, threatens global apiculture.
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Overview of honey bee diversity in Asia

Published on February 27, 2018
Asian reliance on honey bees for economy and health faces challenges amid global trade and transportation.
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Beekeeping in Mongolia

Published on February 27, 2018
Mongolia, despite harsh climates, hosts diverse honey bees and insects, ideal for beekeeping and research.
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Overview of Tropilaelaps and Varroa mites in central Thailand

Published on March 05, 2024
New mite threat to honey bees tackled with formic acid, heat treatments in Thailand study.
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Wasps and Hornets

Population genomics of the Vespa mandarinia

Published on May 11, 2024
The genetic study of the northern giant hornet, a predator, found in Asia and North America.
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A closer look at polygyne colonies of an invasive wasp

Published on November 12, 2021
Invasive social insects, like yellowjacket wasps, pose severe threats to environments. Genetic study conducted.
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Unequal reproduction early in social transition: insights from invasive wasps

Published on February 2023
In some invasive yellowjacket colonies, certain queens produce most new queens, affecting colony dynamics.
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